Marketing Ideas For Successful Holiday Sales Boost
With the upcoming season, being the fiscal year-end period of some companies, marketing and sales constitute the most time and resources as accounting. This presents an opportunity to outline a sales-boosting marketing plan in line with the holiday. In this article, we have listed down a quick rundown of marketing activities to enact in the remaining weeks before the busiest month.
1. Share the celebration of holiday with your customers. Understand that some employees often set up their company parties or schedule vacation ahead of time. It is best to organize an event ahead the preparation of client's company events. Marketing campaign should imbibe fun and festive atmosphere that allows prospects and existing clients to connect and engage. The success of your event imprints a good impression, hence opening doors to introduce your products and services to wider prospects.
2. Increase your leverage in gaining stronger presence while hosting an event by giving out gift cards and practical items. Boost your yearender sales by announcing upcoming discounts and promotions, encouraging others to spread the word. It would help to expand your presence through social media by featuring live events and posting discount cards. Highlight product and services through giveaways such as free consultation, shopping hours special or free gift-wrapping. A percentage of new market base is attracted to spur-of-the-moment purchases, reason why it is important to send push notification buttons, promotions and coupons ready online or in the form of cards.
3. Engage market of procrastinators and planners by sharing deadlines and holiday calendars. Never underestimate the power of marketing words as, "it's not too late" or "we've got you covered." Employ mobile, email marketing, Social media and blog that focus on holiday-specific content capitalizing on wants and needs of customers. By sharing promotion deadlines, shipping deadlines and company calendar dates, your clients will appreciate the urgency of making early purchases.
4. Although most editorials on post holiday projection are released early part of next year, businesses see the need to prepare and hear a perspective on inventory, deals and post-holiday savings. Gear up the drive to look ahead by summing up and compiling annual figures and statistics giving them a picture that entails the significance of your deals.